Rice porridge is an old Dutch dessert, which many people have eaten as a child. We make an adult version of it, which is also very tasty, by adding Bandoeng’22 Pandan liqueur. Making rice porridge is quite simple.
Ingredients (4 persons)
125 gr dessert rice
500 ml milk
2 el sugar
1 vanilla bean
35ml Bandoeng’22 Pandan liqueur
pinch of salt
Put a pan with the milk and rice on the fire. Scrape the marrow from the vanilla bean and add it together with the pandan liqueur to the rice. Add the sugar and a pinch of salt and let it cook for about 20 – 25 minutes while stirring (keep stirring or the rice will stick to the bottom) Serve the rice lukewarm or cold, drizzle some extra Bandoeng’22 Pandan liqueur on top of the porridge.