The Republic of Bulgaria, located in Southeastern Europe, occupies the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and lies south of the Danube River. Bulgaria shares its borders with Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, and Greece and Turkey to the south.
Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is a dynamic city with a rich history, evident in its many monumental buildings. Known for its numerous thermal springs, Sofia also boasts a lively city center, historic streets, and a vibrant nightlife.
The people of Sofia love to go out and party, with countless cocktail bars and cafes to enjoy throughout the day. Bars remain busy until midnight, after which most people head to nightclubs. This vibrant scene presents an excellent opportunity for Bandoeng’22 to enter the Bulgarian market.
The import and distribution of our pandan liqueur in Bulgaria is managed by Absolut +. They provide top-notch services to ensure our product reaches you. If you are interested in purchasing Bandoeng’22 in Bulgaria, please contact Absolut + via their website. Click here…