The Bandoeng’22 Pornstar Martini

The Bandoeng’22 Pornstar Martini

A Pornstar with a twist. The Pornstar Martini is a popular summer cocktail. Our Bandoeng’22 Pornstar Martini is a sexy martini cocktail with passion fruit, pandan and vodka. She tastes tropical and is soft as silk. The Pornstar Martini started as the Maverick...
Masterclass Bandoeng’22 at Bar Botanik Cologne, Germany

Masterclass Bandoeng’22 at Bar Botanik Cologne, Germany

On the 20th of July we were invited by our good friends of The Spiritists to give a masterclass Bandoeng’22 to the bartenders of Cologne and surrounding cities.  It was an introduction to pandan, pandan cocktails and food pairing for early-adapting bartenders to...
The Bandoeng’22 Cendol Cocktail

The Bandoeng’22 Cendol Cocktail

Best Indonesian summer drink. Cendol (Tjendol) is a favorite Indonesian drink (or is it also a dessert) for many. You drink it in the Netherlands at Pasar Malams (events), in Indonesian restaurant or at home! In Indonesia and actually everywhere in Asia you see...
The Bandoeng’22 spoom

The Bandoeng’22 spoom

Looking for a spoom that goes great with an Asian dinner? Then we have the Bandoeng’22 spoom for you! Make this crackling snack with Bandoeng’22 Pandan Liqueur. The holidays are coming and then we will enjoy extensive food and drinks with friends and...
The Pandan Latte

The Pandan Latte

As a coffee suggestion during the holidays, wholesaler HANOS has developed a delicious cafe latte with Bandoeng’22 Pandan Liqueur for you. This delicious luxury coffee variety is easy to make and has a very festive look. Ideal for spoiling your guests! The...